When wanting to get a haircut in a foreign country…
1. Always bring a good printed picture of what you want.
2. If option 1 is not available, never let a drunk Serbian guy who speaks ok English translate what you want to a stylist that speaks no English whatsoever.
pics of your haircutnow@@@
Nothing to see. Just that I wanted to keep my hair long and her first snip took off most of the length. Can’t do much after that…
I think I let it happen. I had a small window of opportunity to stop it but I was just curious to see where this “Pass the message” game took my hair lol.
Plus, she gave me the weirdest side burns. Like a triangle on the ends. Came back to hostel, shaved it off.
boo hoo. This means no more pics of you for at least 2 months. mom won’t get to see you then. Should I lol at what you wrote cos it was funny or should I col (don’t get to see you for some time?
Oh, I’ll still take pictures of myself in certain places.
god that sounds horrible
i think the time that you went to that beauty school and the lady put the shaver down the middle of your head..i think that was probably worse..you couldn’t even stop it then. do you have donnie’s haircut now? hope all is well! i’m still trying to find a frame for that picture..and trying to decide where to hang it.
Oh yeah, that was much worse. The Serbian girl scissor cut the entire way. It’s about an inch long, so yeah, quite short.